In addition to donations to general fund, you can also donate to specific projects. Funds will go into a restricted account designated for project work, in other words, kept separate from general fund.
Projects include:
- Archives: People-power and library science expertise to catalog and file documents.
- White Rose History, Volume III: Assistance with data entry into our research database for new materials.
- Purchase of newly-found archives.
- Underwriting students' and postgrad work on the following topics:
- Churches and Alignment — Case Studies
- Helle Hirsch
- Helmuth Hübener and friends. White Rose, but younger and LDS.
- Family history project. Collecting and publishing "family newsletters" sent out from 1933-1945.
- The other 150 friends in the White Rose.
- Father Jean Bernard.
- August Landmesser.
- The Munich Gestapo project.
- Shades of Grey Project. Ask us about this one!
- Human Face of War. In cooperation with Igor Khramov of Orenburg Charity Foundation.
- Center for White Rose Studies "House" where our archives can be viewed in person.
- Digitization project for White Rose archives.
If you wish your donation to support a specific project, please let us know and we will start a specific restricted fund for that project. At present, all project funding goes to a single restricted "projects" account.