Call for Papers
Our affiliate Exclamation! Publishers has a wish list that includes many topics related to White Rose and other resistance.
- Our general wish list is here, and includes all types of writing.
- Call for Papers specifically related to White Rose and other resistance is here. This includes biographical, interdisciplinary, and general nonfiction. Types of writing accepted: Short-short essays, essays for our anthology Leaflets of Our Resistance, white papers, longer essays, book length works.
Please contact Exclamation! Publishers should you have any questions.
In the meantime, be inspired by the portrait of Fritz Reuter, painted by Paul Spangenberg in 1910. Public domain.
If, like I, you are unfamiliar with Fritz Reuter: He was a "radical" sentenced to death, with sentence commuted to thirty years imprisonment... a little over 100 years before White Rose resistance. To learn a bit more, read the New International Encyclopedia's 1905 entry about his life.