Women of the White Rose (Series)

Names without hyperlinks are works-in-progress, and will be updated once published. This link takes you to the full collection (2023.03.09).

  • Strong women. I can understand why origins of White Rose legend remained firmly masculine. But why is that legend being perpetuated, sometimes even by women? (2024.03.04) Notes are for paid subscribers only, most of post is public.
  • Regine Degkwitz
  • Lieselotte Fürst-Ramdohr
    • Lieselotte Fürst-Ramdohr. In Memoriam. “I would do it all over again, even knowing what it would cost me.” - Unsre liebste Lilo. (2024.05.13)
    • A circle of friendship. White Rose was a circle of friends who knew injustice when they saw it, and knew they had to do something about it. And they chose to do something about it with friends they held near and dear. [Putting this post under Lilo to honor her recognition of this quality of their circle.] (2023.12.20)
    • “My” White Rose families. Lieselotte Fürst-Ramdohr. Lilo and Alex vowed always to be friends, always to be true and honest with one another. “How lucky I am to be alive!” he exclaimed. Statements like these must be shouted for the world to hear. (2024.09.24) FREE.
  • Tilly Hahn
    • Tilly Hahn. Tilly Hahn worked as Eugen Grimminger's secretary in 1942-1943 as Grimminger financed White Rose operations. Tilly carried money and supplies to the students, enabling their work to continue. (2022.03.15)
    • “My” White Rose families. Tilly Hahn. I care about Eugen Grimminger and Tilly Hahn. (2024.09.05) FREE.
  • Elisabeth Hartnagel nee Scholl
  • Susanne Hirzel
  • Lilli Holl
  • Traute Lafrenz
    • Sophie Scholl
      • The Sophie Scholl you should know. On this day when sappy commemorations that portray White Rose resistance as religious, shallow, and idealistic begin, perhaps it is time that on this day, you're introduced to the real Sophie. Enjoy! (2024.02.18) Bibliography for paid subscribers only, rest of post is public.
      • Holiday “cheer” – Sophie Scholl and my sister Janet. White Rose resistance: Friends who decided they did not have to wait to BE GOOD to DO GOOD. What Sophie Scholl had in common with my sister Janet. (2023.12.12) 
    • Katharina Schüddekopf
      • Women of the White Rose: Katharina Schüddekopf. Professor Kurt Huber was her Doktorvater. She was part of the small group on 7/22/1942 that discussed advisability of continuing the leaflets. And she is as good as unknown. That must change. (2022.03.08)