Russian Front Series

This section serves two purposes.
First, to underscore how vital experiences on the Russian front were to White Rose friends. Especially to Willi Graf, who saw atrocities greater than any other.
Second, to disabuse notions that the Russian front was the be-all-and-end-all of their motivation. Would-be scholars have turned the Russian front into something it was not. They did not see the Warsaw ghetto in 1942, as it was behind a very high wall. Except for possibly Willi Graf, they did not witness mass executions.
We must keep proper perspective and balance when including "the Russian front" in our research.
- Fritz Hartnagel and Stalingrad. Fritz Hartnagel's letters to Sophie Scholl from the battlefield of Stalingrad provide an intimate glimpse into that turning point in World War II. Read his firsthand observations here. (2023.07.28)
- Fritz Hartnagel in Ukraine: May-July 1942. The Holomodor. Slaughter of Jewish population in occupied Russia. Fritz Hartnagel did not think it could get much worse. He was wrong. (2023.07.26)
- Questions about the Russian front. Military history regarding service of White Rose students has been sloppy at best. We want to change that and better understand what fueled their resistance. We need ethical scholars to join us! (For paid subscribers only.) (2023.07.24)
- Painting autumn. Perhaps more than the actual events on the Russian front, the trip home and that first week back in Munich cemented determination to resist. The golden threads of the first week in Nov-42 are lovely. (2023.07.21)
- Choices on the Russian Front – October 1, 1942-October 30, 1942. The month of October 1942, Alexander Schmorell, Willi Graf, Hans Scholl, and Hubert Furtwängler planted deep roots in Russia and started their "stimulating" conversations about White Rose resistance. (2023.07.19)
- Choices on the Russian Front – August 1, 1942-September 30, 1942. Alexander Schmorell, Willi Graf, Hans Scholl, Hubert Furtwängler, and Raimund Samüller were set down in the middle of a Russian forest, 6 miles from the front lines. They never forgot what they saw. (2023.07.17)
- Russia via Warsaw - July 1942. Although the soldier students saw little of Warsaw on their way to the Russian front, what they did see impacted their resistance efforts. The White Rose circle would never be the same. (2023.07.14)
- The Russian front and the problem of Wittenstein. There is likely not one single person who has distorted the experiences of the White Rose circle on the Russian front to the extent that Wittenstein has. (For paid subscribers only.) (2023.07.07)
- Black Tea and Champagne (The Party) - July 22, 1942. It was just one evening, this going-away party before the soldier-students headed for the Russian front. But what a game-changer this party was! (2023.07.05)
- Prepping for Russia. The medical students of the Second Student Company in Munich entered Summer 1942 unaware they would soon be on the Russian front. Yet everything they did readied them for the horrors they'd soon see. (2023.07.04)
- In search of military records. We frequently talk about the student-soldiers among the circle of White Rose friends. Yet we know almost nothing about their military service. (For paid subscribers only.) (2023.06.30)
- The Battle of Moscow, and beyond. The Battle of Moscow directly impacted Willi Graf, and indirectly affected Lilo Berndl and Otl Aicher. When Willi left the Russian front in April 1942, he was resolved to do something. (2023.06.28)
- June 22, 1941: Operation Barbarossa. Willi Graf and Fritz Hartnagel both participated in Operation Barbarossa. The two men had radically different perspectives. White Rose as rarely discussed. (2023.06.26)
- Baku oil and Kuban grain. Otl Aicher's memoirs recorded unwilling days spent on the Russian front. His perspective in 1942 was that of a German soldier sent to fight Russians. His words ring true in these difficult days. (2022.03.01)
- Death and the White Rose: Part Three. Memorial Day 2024. On this Memorial Day, I challenge us also to remember and revere those who made the ultimate sacrifice fighting against a Fatherland they loved. May we never know the darkness that comes from tyranny. (2024.05.26). Footnotes and bibliography for paid subscribers only.
- Death and the White Rose: Part Two. Memorial Day 2024. The White Rose: Death, commingled with love and youth. Fragile purity. Faith – not religion, but honest to goodness spirituality. A symbol to remember as we dig deeper in to their story. Footnotes and bibliography for paid subscribers only.
- Death and the White Rose: Part One. Memorial Day 2024. As we head to Memorial Day weekend, to fun on the shore or celebrations with graduates, join me in remembering, grieving, standing on the shoulders of these White Rose friends who gave their all. Footnotes and bibliography for paid subscribers only.
Image: German propaganda photo, Stalingrad in ruins, October 1942. Image is public domain.