Remembering dates and anniversaries

We should move past celebrating only February 18 and February 22, with perhaps July 13 and October 12 thrown in for good measure. Those were not the only dates critical to White Rose resistance. 

If you are a teacher or professor, you may wish to choose one of these dates for a special class discussion.

  • The elections of 1930-1933. January 31, 1933. They could not have imagined that such hard choices would be required of them. They certainly could not have known what was yet to come. (2024.11.05) For paid subscribers only.
  • Eighty years ago this week. February 14, 1943. White Rose storytellers tend to skip over the painful events of this week. They should not. (2023.02.14)
  • Calm Before the Storm. February 17, 1943. "Gradually one notices that the mosaic is beginning to take shape. Lines and patterns appear, and then one does not lose his orientation any more." (2022.02.17)
  • Timeline: February 18, 1943. February 18, 1943. If you think you know their story... (2022.02.18)
  • Timeline: February 22, 1943. February 22, 1943. If you think you know their story... (2022.02.22)
  • April 19, 1943 - The Second White Rose Trial. April 19, 1943. If you think the February 22, 1943 trial was riveting, you ain't seen nothin' yet. The second White Rose trial contained more drama, more pathos, more humor, more courage than anything you know about the White Rose, if you stop at February 22, 1943, that is. (2023.04.19)
  • Note their names. July 12, 1942. Fourth leaflet of the White Rose: "Do not forget even the little scoundrels of this regime. Note their names, so that no one escapes!" (2024.01.22)
  •  “I will be fresh and courageous” – July 13, 1943. July 13, 1943. Kurt Huber and Alexander Schmorell: Executed. Wilhelm Geyer, Josef Söhngen, Harald Dohrn, and Manfred Eickemeyer: Expecting a guilty verdict for treason. A day unlike others. (2023.07.13)
  • My favorite “Schurik” story. July 13, 1943. On July 13, remember Alexander Schmorell's death. But honor his life. (2024.07.10) FREE.
  • Kristallnacht. November 8/9, 1938.
    • Gaping gaps. When researching White Rose or other resistance: Have the courage to ask hard questions! If (when) you see gaps, logical disconnects, keep digging. Use your brain. (2023.11.09)
  • New Year's Eve 1942. December 31, 1942. We are entering the weeks and months wherein we commemorate the work, arrests, and deaths of White Rose students. But February 1943 had its roots in New Year's Eve 1942 and decisions they made then. (2022.02.08)