Chapters 16 - 20 (podcast)

If you prefer to read digital copy, you may purchase White Rose History, Volume II here, to read on your Kindle or eBook reader.

Segments for paid subscribers: "Storybook" or short summary of segment is always free, as is "Why This Matters." However, notes and references and comments are restricted to paid subscribers, generally scholars who want to dig deeper. Critical segments will always be free.

Chapter 16, part 1: Try to Remember. Mid-September 1942. It is about the oil, the pipelines, and the refineries in Mozdok. Russians and Jihad fighters may proclaim military strategy, but it is about the oil, the pipelines, and the refineries, same as 1942. (2024.08.23) FREE.

Chapter 16, part 2: Try to Remember. September 15 - September 22, 1942. "Whoever experienced this single hour will never be able to forget it, no matter how long they live. The list of bombed cities grows longer every day, and the mood is correspondingly dark."-Carl Muth. (2024.08.26) For paid subscribers.

Chapter 16, part 3: Try to Remember. September 22 - September 30, 1942. In the distance, Willi Graf spied a village: Afanassyevka. It looked so peaceful. The closer he got, the less beautiful the village appeared. It had been completely gutted. (2024.08.27) FREE.

Chapter 16, part 4: Try to Remember (2007 update). September 9 - September 16, 1942. "Thousands of refugees, women and little children, and men, are trekking along the entire road from the Don River to Stalingrad, without shelter or anything to eat." - Fritz Hartnagel. (2024.08.28) For paid subscribers. 


ISBN (digital): 978-1-956508-09-3. 891 pages. © 2002, 2005, 2007, Exclamation! Publishers and Denise Elaine Heap.
ISBN (serialized audio book): 978-1-956508-45-1. © 2024, Exclamation! Publishers and Denise Elaine Heap.