Chapters 1 - 5 (podcast)
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Chapter 00. Dear Readers. We should not think that just because their “cause” was greater that they were more perfect. On the contrary. They were no worse than my “strange” bunch of friends, but they were certainly not better. They were human through and through. (2024.06.05) Free.
Chapter 1, part 1: The Journey Begins. May 1, 1942. And not one of these students understood the journey on which they were embarking. (2024.06.06) Free.
Chapter 1, part 2: The Journey Begins. If Willi Graf had to be lonely, it was certainly better to be alone. He did not wish to yield one whit of the liberty he had craved all those months in Russia. (2024.06.07) Free.
Chapter 1, part 3: The Journey Begins. While Willi Graf never abandoned his faith, he clearly sensed that his faith – or at least those who practiced his faith – had abandoned him. (2024.06.08) Free.
Chapter 1: The Journey Begins (2007 update). Fritz Hartnagel asked Sophie Scholl, "Do you comprehend that this could cost you your head?" To which Sopie replied with a firm voice, "Yes, I comprehend that." (2024.06.09) Free.
Chapter 2, part 1: The Circle Widens. While many of Hans Scholl's friends were friendly with Sophie because she was Hans' sister, Christl became her friend because she was Sophie. (2024.06.10) Free.
Chapter 2, part 2: The Circle Widens. Josef Furtmeier may have been a loner, he may not have talked much. But Spring 1942, he started the friends to thinking about what it meant to make the hard choices. What it would cost them. (2024.06.11) Free.
Chapter 2, part 3: The Circle Widens. "Thomas More did not compromise his own moral values in order to please the king, knowing that true allegiance to authority is not acceptance of everything that authority wants.” (G. Roger Hudleston) (2024.06.12) Free.
Chapter 3, part 1: Room Service. This is the first time we are introduced to Mandlstr. 1. May 1942, home to Hans Scholl. Later that summer, to Sophie Scholl. Post-Russia, home to Willi Graf, his sister Anneliese, and Hermann Krings. (2024.06.13) Free.
Chapter 3, part 2: Room Service. Listening to what felt like an inexhaustible supply of words, Sophie Scholl grew weary of the natter and turned her thoughts to what she could do. (2024.06.14) Free.
Chapter 3, part 3: Room Service, From the nightmare in Cologne until the end of the war, every civilian living in Germany had to count on the consequences of war possibly meaning death and destruction to himself or his family. (2024.06.15) Free.
Chapter 3 (supplement), part 1: Enigmas Wrapped in Riddles. It took immense courage to defy the Führer’s edict regarding acceptable reading material. That someone who embraced much of Nazi ideology did so, begs the question of how we should define dissidence. (2024.06.16) Free.
Chapter 3 (supplement), part 2: Enigmas Wrapped in Riddles. If Josef Söhngen confuses our brilliantly black-and-white world, Professor Kurt Huber riddles us beyond belief. (2024.06.17) Free.
Chapter 4, part 1: Dialogue. "Since we associated only with these people and not with the many other people who thought differently from us, we ‘negated’ the many, built on the few, and believed ourselves strong.”-Traute Lafrenz. (2024.06.18) Free.
Chapter 4, part 2: Dialogue. Willi Graf assured his sister Anneliese that her questions were valid, because everything a person learns as a child must be questioned as an adult to remain defensible. (2024.06.19) Free.
Chapter 4, part 3: Dialogue. "Back then, friendship meant something that one could not have with everybody, but rather with a few people, sometimes not at all.” - Fritz Leist, speaking of Willi Graf. (2024.06.20) Free.
Chapter 5, part 1: And There Was Music. We are young. Our beings are still wrapped up in our first dreams, trying to find in pictures where those we love so much bubble over the lines. - Lilo Berndl nee Ramdohr. (2024.06.21) For paid subscribers.
Chapter 5, part 2: And There Was Music. "War does not allow man to end his life as man.” - Otl Aicher. (2024.06.22) For paid subscribers.
Chapter 5, part 3: And There Was Music. “Do not forget that every nation deserves the government that it endures.” - Leaflet I, Hans Scholl and Alexander Schmorell. (2024.06.23) For paid subscribers.
Chapter 5 - Leaflets of the White Rose. I. Do not forget that every nation deserves the government that it endures. (2024.06.24) Free.
ISBN (digital): 978-1-956508-09-3. 891 pages. © 2002, 2005, 2007, Exclamation! Publishers and Denise Elaine Heap.
ISBN (serialized audio book): 978-1-956508-45-1. © 2024, Exclamation! Publishers and Denise Elaine Heap.